When you’re looking for a phone with the ability to be customized, you just can’t beat an android phone. You can change home screens, keyboards, icons, wallpapers, the list is nearly endless. When it comes to customization, android simply can’t be beat.
Let’s face it, when it comes to customization most just want to be able to turn their home screen into one that fits their personality. With an android phone this is simple and can be done in a multitude of ways. First, install a new launcher. The launcher is essentially an apt that will take care of launching apps on your home screen. Each launcher will have a unique layout and functionality depending on what you’re wanting. Try and few and pick the one that’s your favorite.
Next we move along to icon. Yep, you can even change the icons. Some of your favorite apps have so-so icons that you don’t love, or maybe the mismatch clutter just drives you nuts. With an icon pack you can select one that will change all of your app pictures into a unified theme. There is a wide variety to select from so you’re guaranteed to find the one that you think suites you and your phone perfectly.
If you’re really courageous you can toss your old wallpaper in the trash bin and opt for a live wallpaper instead. It’s not uncommon to change a wallpaper regularly because a static image becomes boring over time. With a live wallpaper you’ll have a look that is unique and interesting. Of course these can be changed regularly too but it’s certainly much less boring than a flat image. As a bonus the live wallpapers hardly use any battery power so you won’t have to worry about draining your phone.
One of the best aspects of the android phone is the ability to alter the lock screen. You can change the settings so that you can use some of the options on your phone without having to constantly unlock. A lock screen widget will allow you to decide what is displayed on the lock screen. Certainly some of your phone needs to remain behind the lock but some functions don’t require it and not having to unlock all the time can make life a whole lot more convenient.
In addition to the other alterations you can also prolong your battery life by disabling vibrations, and background battery hogging apps so that you have plenty of battery life when you need it.